Published on January 31, 2006 By sushiK In Politics

Lately while listening to radio shows and talking with people here at JU it seems that Americans and their views are becoming quite split and even polarized on the way we view our government and the direction of the US.

The polarization I see happening is outside the boundaries of just Republican v Democrat.

Maybe it is guided my Parties but one camp I see is Reveling in America's new use of power and strong arm tactics. I am not sure if you would call them Federalization supporters but i find this group supporting America in these new avenues of Out-Sourcing Torture, wire-tapping, and holding non-us citizens without due process. I find alot more people supporting these actions of America blindly without any concern over the longer effect. If someone questions any of these tactics this camp is all over them questioning their loyalties or motives. I worry about the amount of civil liberties this group would be willing to give up in the name of National Security.

The other camp, the voice of reason that needs to come with these use of tactics, is starting to be the monority I feel. The people in this camp might range from people who want these tactics tempered with reason like me all the way to people who are pure anti Federal Government.

Do you see America becoming more Polarized?
If another Federal Att@ck happened and Bush came on the next day saying we need to start wire-tapping in the US to guarantee our safety, I really wonder how many would say yes before they thought it out.
Could there ever be a day when our great Nation has reverted to a Police State because the group that wants to keep order so bad has agreed to also start with their neighbors?

I am starting to wonder if that day is not as fictional as is once was.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 31, 2006
It is possible but, as you say, people are dividing and so there will always be a part that will be against any of these ideas. Someone will always fight it and so not so easy for it to just happen the way you "seem" to make it sound.
on Jan 31, 2006

Maybe it is guided my Parties but one camp I see is Reveling in America's new use of power and strong arm tactics. I am not sure if you would call them Federalization supporters but i find this group supporting America in these new avenues of Out-Sourcing Torture, wire-tapping, and holding non-us citizens without due process. I find alot more people supporting these actions of America blindly without any concern over the longer effect. If someone questions any of these tactics this camp is all over them questioning their loyalties or motives. I worry about the amount of civil liberties this group would be willing to give up in the name of National Security.

Actually, sushi....BOTH sides are doing this...and not just to NON-citizens. CPS currently has my family under surveillance without exercising due process, children are routinely stripped away from their parents without due process. Until the left is as outraged about the travesties being ROUTINELY practiced by "child protective services" on MILLIONS of families in the US as it is about the NSA spying on HUNDREDS of suspected terrorists, you're unlikely to enlist me to your cause.

Yes, in many ways, America may be fracturing. But neither side holds the moral high ground in this potentially looming split.

on Jan 31, 2006

I see a polarization, but not the one you do.  I do see many on the extreme right that will sell their liberty to get Al Qaeda, but they are opposed, not by you, but by the extreme left represented by Cindy Sheehan and  That would sell America out for the sake of peace.

You paint the right as being on one extreme, when it is not, and the left (yourself) being on the other, which you are not.  Instead the majority of Americans are still in the middle that see a need, yet disagree on the way to take care of that need.

And nothing really has changed.  Except now both extremes have a voice and people hear them more.  The question then becomes which side will succumb to the screams of the extreme, and jump further to the extreme?  While some in the democrat leadership have indeed started pandering to their extreme, I do not see the reciprocation on the right.  But whoever does, does so at the expense of heir moderates, and will utlimately lose.

on Jan 31, 2006
Maybe it is guided my Parties but one camp I see is Reveling in America's new use of power and strong arm tactics.

I think it’s more a question of competence. Many Americans supported our going into Iraq originally when we heard the Bush administration’s rational, but then when no WMDs turned up, we started questioning their actions. It appeared that they had misled us into war. But if they, as the righties claims, didn’t mislead us but instead relied on faulty intelligence, then it becomes a question of competence. Then comes their strategy for fighting the war, or lack thereof. They assumed the war would last longer and we’d be able to wipe out more of the resistance in the process. Wrong again. They also assumed the Iraqis would welcome us as liberators. And they never anticipated the insurgency as it has become -- more incompetence due to eliminating advisors who were experts in Middle Eastern affairs because they didn’t subscribe to the Bush agenda. Then came the lack of strategy in fighting the insurgents. After 2-1/2 years we have yet to even secure the road to the airport out of Baghdad. Then we have more incompetence in the reconstruction effort. A recent report details the corruption and incompetence involved in the reconstruction effort and the billions of dollars wasted.

So, while some of the country may be divided because of our use (or abuse) of military force, some of us are repulsed by the lack of competence. Other examples are the federal government’s reaction, or lack of, to Hurricane Katrina, out of control budget deficits, cronyism, corruption, waste, and increased government intrusion into our lives.

The Bush sheep only see things on the surface. They believe we need Bush to protect us and they’ll support every action by his administration. Since there are no legitimate arguments to defend Bush, they resort to liberal bashing – thus the great divide in the United States today.
on Jan 31, 2006
they resort to liberal bashing

Kinda funny since you lefties are the ones who point out all the wrong things yet fail to give any good ideas that could have been done. It's easy to say someone is wrong about something, try doing that and having a solution at the same time.

Maybe you should look at the resident trolls articles, you know your little buddy, he made Bush bashing a sport.
on Jan 31, 2006

Now now!

Lets not make this a Right / Left Knife fight.

I am more interested in talking about the future relationship between the left and right.
Will there be more a divide as we enter the new ten years of terrorism?

Will this growing divide grow so much in fact that the Left and the Right start taking the difference physically to eachother?
on Jan 31, 2006
Since there are no legitimate arguments to defend Bush, they resort to liberal bashing

As one who has been the target of your venom, Ben, I want to state that I, for one, am not a "liberal basher", nor, in fact, do I defend Bush. In fact, in a perfect world, Bush, along with every other American president since LBJ (Kennedy possibly as well...but he didn't live long enough for a thorough analysis) would have been hanged on the White House lawn for treason (my opinion). But the left needs to face the hard truth that in 2004 they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by running a campaign that was based not on a comprehensive, well planned agenda, but on the premise that "Bush sucks!". I, as many other Americans, had a hard time deciphering just what Kerry would do differently, especially since his Senate record (notably, his votes on the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository that he supported repeatedly in legislative action, then suddenly opposed as a presidential candidate) seemed completely inconsistent with his professed beliefs as a Presidential candidate.

As many regular readers are well aware, I used to be a pretty hard and fast leftist. While I was independent, my voting record ran about 80% to Democrat candidates and Democrat causes. Over the last ten years, however, I have seen a shift in the party, and it's NOT a shift I like. While Democrats claim to be against illegal wiretapping, they defend its use in spying on innocent parents, claiming that the outrage against such illegal spying is a tacit support for child abuse (THAT nugget, my friend, came from your OWN keyboard!)
on Jan 31, 2006
Will this growing divide grow so much in fact that the Left and the Right start taking the difference physically to eachother?

I hope not. I hope we are above that, personally. That would be a negative outcome for ALL sides. And I think all of us can agree on that much, at least (I hope so, anyway!)
on Jan 31, 2006

While Democrats claim to be against illegal wiretapping, they defend its use in spying on innocent parents, claiming that the outrage against such illegal spying is a tacit support for child abuse (THAT nugget, my friend, came from your OWN keyboard!)

Excellent point.  Maybe it should be tatooed on the foreheads of every member of congress the nextx time they open their mouth about "illegal spying".

on Jan 31, 2006
One issue Bush knew was a problem from the beginning was that our country was polarized and that he NEVER had a mandate. Rather then adopting policies that reflected the divided nature of this country, Bush and the GOP in Congress proceeded to pass laws that only met the needs of one faction in our country. That made the tension worse and today we are more divided then ever.

It is clear from ALL the polls that what Bush and his supporters in Congress are doing is NOT what the majority want. That is reflected in the polls as to what people think of the job both Bush and Congress are doing. It is reflected in the polls that show 2/3 of Americans believe we are going in the wrong direction. There is not ONE major issue that Bush and the GOP are in sink with what the majority of Americans want. It is not surprising we have the greatest level of dissatisfaction with the federal Government in many years!
on Jan 31, 2006
If we made it through Vietnam, and the McCarthy era, the Great Depression, and the friggin Civil War, I think we can make it through what is most certainly one of the most comfortable and carefree times in American History. Terrorism? Pfft. A byword, like the whole weepy teen "Lets Hope the Russians Love Their Children Too" crap in the 80's. If it wasn't terrorism it would be something else. Grave discussion about politics while you are waiting for the next season of The Real World...

People make a big deal out of whatever they have to make a big deal about. In reality, I don't think many Americans are irritated enough about this stuff to get up off their couch, much less anything more permanent.
on Jan 31, 2006
What will get Americans off their couch is the impending impact of not coming to grips with the loss of jobs that will enable the middle income family to live. The loss in health care, the cost of energy, the inability of Social Security and Medicare to meet the promises that were made to Americans or a terrorist attack in America that is catastrophic in scope. Because we are NOT moving in a direction to prevent ANY of there possible events from taking place, it is only time before most Americans will be shouting WHY THIS HAS HAPPENED TO US?
on Jan 31, 2006
"it is only time before most Americans will be shouting WHY THIS HAS HAPPENED TO US?"

Yeah, that was supposed to happen before the last election according to you. The sky has been falling for years now, chicken little. How are you going to feel in ten years when all this venom you spewed was for nothing and nobody even remembers it? Keep attacking a lame duck president that doesn't need anyone's approval, I'm sure you'll change the world...
on Jan 31, 2006
Keep attacking a lame duck president that doesn't need anyone's approval, I'm sure you'll change the world...

That seems to be the total platform of the fringe left. How do you win running against a lame duck?
on Jan 31, 2006
I was under the impression that unless you have a known connection to Al Qaeda, your phone is not being tapped. Is that not correct?

If that is indeed the case, tap away. Heck... tap my phone anyway, I don't care. Let the government hear me tell my husband I love him, yell at my daughter for not calling to tell me she was going to be late, and order flowers for my mom's birthday. Whatever. LOL.
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