Published on August 17, 2006 By sushiK In Home & Family

OK men get in trouble because we leave the Toilet Seat up.
We get in trouble because women for some reason are in such a rush to do their business that they do not see it is up and Plunk fall in. The man then gets scolded for leaving the seat up.

Now sometimes we do not see the seat is down and occassionally we hit the seat and have a ricochet splash that goes god knows where. Yet if we were to say to the woman 'Hey you left the seat down' there would be dead silence followed by laughter as it has just become the social norm that the seat is to stay DOWN.

In this day of equal rights I say it is time for Men to finally get our right to keep the seat UP.

** Keep the Seat UP ** and pass it along.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 17, 2006
I totally agree!!! wHEN COLLEEN COMPLAINS ABOUT THE SEAT-UP NEXT TIME i USE THE BATHROOM, i COMPLAIN loudly, hey!! is your arm broken, you left the damned seat down again! Then I sigh, you know the one, the long suffering sigh women love using so much.
on Aug 17, 2006
The rationale I was always given was that in the middle of the night they don't want to turn on the lights. So I just put down the lid too. If they're in that much of a rush, they'll just have to deal with peeing on themselves the same way we do when the splash from the seat bounces all over our legs and feet. Mwahahaha.
on Aug 17, 2006
splash from the seat bounces all over our legs and feet. Mwahahaha.


When hubby and I were still together, I made him use the downstairs loo, he was NEVER allowed to use the upstairs loo that was a ladies zone, I even made him do the cleaning of his loo, I refused point blank to put a foot in there! yuck yuck yuck

on Aug 17, 2006
You've heard of the expression "pick your battles"?

Men, is this the battle we want to fight?

Hell, no! Put the damned seat down and go on with your life.
on Aug 17, 2006

Sushi, look at it this way.  Who do you want to snuggle with on a cold winter night.  Your Righteousness?  Or your wife?

In the interest of domestic tranquility, in order to promote a more perfect union, ensure for the common defense, I will continue to put it down, no matter how much sense you make.

on Aug 17, 2006
You guys know this was made in just right?
on Aug 17, 2006
As I wrote to Trudy it is a pet peeve but that doesn't mean that my husband leaves the seat up. He's very considerate of my need. I have bladder problems. That "gott go" commercial is all about me. I'm almost always running to the bathroom. So I've done both, fallen in and peed on the seat.
on Aug 17, 2006
You've heard of the expression "pick your battles"?

Men, is this the battle we want to fight?

Hell, no! Put the damned seat down and go on with your life.

Good man Buddah! You guys know you'll never win right?! LOL!

In the interest of domestic tranquility, in order to promote a more perfect union, ensure for the common defense, I will continue to put it down, no matter how much sense you make.

Hehe, good man Doc! You've just saved yourself a whole lot of trouble!

You guys know this was made in just right?

Jest you say......not these kind of jokes! Toilet seats stay down! [so say the leaders, the exalted ones of their household!]
on Aug 17, 2006
I lived in a show home for over a year. Not only did I have to put the seat down I take the paper and wipe down the bowl's surface. I think I am house broken?
on Aug 17, 2006
You've heard of the expression "pick your battles"?

Men, is this the battle we want to fight?

Hell, no! Put the damned seat down and go on with your life.

Now THERE's a bit of wisdom for Buddha! I never thought leaving the seat up was worth the penalty. Women have MEAN ways of getting revenge...salting the heck out of your pizzal, shaking up your beer...the list goes on.

My advice to young men: do NOT engage in this fight! Practice putting the seat down NOW and avoid it!
on Aug 17, 2006
do like I do and avoid the whole hassle. Go outside!
on Aug 17, 2006
My advice to young men: do NOT engage in this fight! Practice putting the seat down NOW and avoid it!

No brothers the time is now to reverse this tradition!

do like I do and avoid the whole hassle. Go outside!

Doh! I'm sure mine would still find something to complain about.
on Aug 17, 2006

Doh! I'm sure mine would still find something to complain about.

My Neighbors sure would!

on Aug 17, 2006
No brothers the time is now to reverse this tradition!

Not unless you have a comfortable couch!
on Aug 17, 2006

During my marriage,  the seat was always left up,  whether I liked it or not.....

Now my son and I share an apt.,  and I leave the seat up for him and sometimes he leaves it down for me,  just depends on whether we remember.  For us,  it isn't worth arguing over.  We do have arguements though!

Compromise is so easy....yet some are stubborn,  and that can be either gender

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