The Hurricane / Flooding of New Orleans should be a good wake up call to the US for the near future.

IF water levels were to rise 3 feet over the next 15 years due to Global Melting most US coastal Cities would be in the same situation of needed levy systems and sea walls to protect themselves from rising water levels, let alone hurricanes.

The government, State and city of new orleans new about this potentiality years ago. It was written years ago about what a dead-on stike by a 'cane to New Orleans would do; overwhelm their levy system and flood the city in waste.
The scientific community is still out on whether sea levels will rise and by how much and by when, but a good majority do say they will indeed rise.

I see a repeat of this single event repeated again and again in the coming future of Global Melting until the government puts in some real thought in advance on this, and not handle it like it did with New Orleans with a wait and see it one hits method.

Granted this is still a what if scenario since we don't really know if levels will rise.
But if they do it is guaranteed it will bite us in the ass since the government wil bury it's head in the sand on it.

on Sep 08, 2005

IF - the biggest word in the english langauge.

If a 2k meteor were to strike the earth, no levees would be needed as no one would be around to build or use them.

on Sep 08, 2005
If a 2k meteor were to strike the earth, no levees would be needed as no one would be around to build or use them.

Exactly, global warming is no more likely than me turning into a European faggot.

NOT possible!
on Sep 08, 2005
I don't think there's any "IF" to global warming, and evidences of rising water levels as a cause of it. Scientific and evidence-based journals are full of it. The tragedy of New Orleans in Katrina's wake only made bare the geographical vulnerability of this city to this environmental trend so long as men keep thinking they shouldn't be doing anything now to prevent it from happening.
on Sep 08, 2005

don't think there's any "IF" to global warming,

It is not a fact.  SO there is still a Big IF. Bigger still tho is IF there is, what is the cause?

IF we dont freeze in the next 100 years, we may see sea levels rise.


on Sep 08, 2005
Then the coming Ice Age will freeze it all. I'm buying all the stock I can in ice skate companies. Get in on the ground floor!!!
on Sep 20, 2005
Relative global warming is definitely occurring, as the global mean temperature has risen in the past century. By how much and at what period of the century is up for conjecture. This coincides with the argument of the root cause, as the majority of the warming has been shown by some experts to have occurred prior to the most of the carbon dioxide release.

Pay attention to my opening wording as well, as the current warming is relative to the surrounding time periods. During the middle ages, the global mean temperature was higher than it is today. Clearly there wasn't a massive human release of CO2 at that time.
on Oct 14, 2005
on Oct 19, 2005
why do they let anonymous users post?
on Oct 19, 2005

I don't think there's any "IF" to global warming, and evidences of rising water levels as a cause of it. Scientific and evidence-based journals are full of it. The tragedy of New Orleans in Katrina's wake only made bare the geographical vulnerability of this city to this environmental trend so long as men keep thinking they shouldn't be doing anything now to prevent it from happening.

So how much has sea level risen then? Feel free to provide a source to show how much say the New York water line has risen in since say 1940.

And even if you were able to do that, proving what the precise cause of that would be difficult.

on Oct 21, 2005
Here's the rise in sea levels at the New York water line. Link

Hmmm, pretty linear, maybe there are factors other than global warming that impact the formation and melting of the glaciers.