I am in a mixed marriage; my wife is 100% Sri Lankan I am 100% white boy
My wife IS very sweet and my family (4 sisters) has always thought the world of her, but that has changed.
They now are worried about her and think she is a sneak based upon things she has said in conversation with them.
I was brought up conservative, law abiding, and being honest and straight forward with people.
I don't know if it is a cultural difference thing but my wife's first thought on doing things is most always a curve ball approach. "Well we'll tell that guy this...", "Well I'll spin it this way", She will come up with the most elaborate schemes to hide something from someone other than just being honest.
What has gotten my family worried has been when she has been talking about some of her family coming to the US. She has put her foot in her mouth by saying things like
"Well but a house in our name and let my sister stay there"
"We can sneak My sister's kids int to our school system if they give our address but live out of town"
"My mom will come to the states and if she has medical problems she can use Free Care and give a fake address..."
"My sister can get to the states by applying for Political Asylum or marry a guy for a green card"
"It's really easy to get a fake social security card... everyone has them"
Other stupid stuff that sounds bad to honest Americans
My family is concerned because there has been just too many of these whacky things said in passing coversation.
My wife thinks she has done nothing wrong and that is the way to help her family. She is not a bad person looking to rob banks but she always has a scheme on how to beat the system...
As always i am stuck in the middle and smoking pissed at my wife for making an issue.
PS For the record I can't stand these sneaky things my wife pulls and have had heated arguments with her on them.
I my self am wondering if i can stay with someone like this, 2 kids makes me stick for now.