Published on April 21, 2005 By sushiK In Current Events

I like most of us live safely back here in the States and hear what comes on the news or is shown in the papers regarding what our troops are doing in Iraq.

We hear about resistance, daily loss of life on both sides but not much about how actual Iraqis feel about US lead presence or Muslim freedom fighters that have filtered into their country and are fighting on "their" behalf. The news is so one sided with very little to do with the actual voices of Iraq. A void on news shown here from their side of things tends to make me feel there is no good feelings on their side towards us.

Why don't we hear more about how the Iraqis feel about what is going on?

on Apr 21, 2005
I agree. And you can get some idea of what they think and what they are doing to better themselves if you read some of my posts.

Its not like the mainstream media would like you to think it is.
on Apr 21, 2005


It's not that I am anti - war or pro - war, it would be nice to hear something from the people that we are dieing for to help.
on Apr 21, 2005
I was going to recommend you read ShadowWar's articles also. Looks like you got that straight from the horses mouth though.

Another good resource for information that the press is too lazy, and too uninterested in facts to report is Link

Yes, it is a U.S. Military website, so take that for whatever you want, but you'll find that they are willing to report the good and the bad, as well as what Iraqis have to say. I wouldn't recommend it as the only source for information about Iraq and Afghanistan, but it does report a lot of things you won't find anywhere else.
on Apr 21, 2005
Soon the number of American dead soliders will reach 1,600, and 40,000 injured. We need less dead and maimed Americans and plenty more dead terorists. Wee need a hel a lot less p.c. pussy footing appeasing and much more killing of bad guys-- even if that means "innoncent Sunnis" die.

Numbers I suppose are relative, eccept to the dead and their families.
on Apr 21, 2005

I am curious

Define the "Bad Guy"
Define the "Good Guy"
on Apr 21, 2005
The simple and only reasonable explanation is this: you've been told the Iraqis would welcome the US with flowers and open arms. The dead GI's don't reflect that. So reality is hidden.
on Apr 21, 2005
So reality is hidden.

It's fun only seeing what you want, isn't it my terrorist apologist friend. There are great things happening in Iraq, along with the tragic. What is most tragic is you would step over all the great, just to point out the tragic.
on Apr 21, 2005

Ted, good point.

Why isn't the US PR system trying harder to show us that the Iraqis are grateful, happy and glad we are there?
Seems it is counterproductive for the Gov not to make a point of showing us these important human victories that are being acheived over there?
on Apr 21, 2005
Luke 22: When the armed mob led by Judas arrives, Jesus's disciples ask, "Lord, should we strike with the sword?" Jesus does not respond before one of them cuts the servant's ear off. Then Jesus says simply, "Stop! No more of that!"

I wonder why Jesus would permit his disciples to carry swords?

Jesus with muscles! Amen! We still got plently of terrotists' ears to cut off before, "Stop! No more of that!"
on Apr 21, 2005
Luke 22: When the armed mob led by Judas arrives, Jesus's disciples ask, "Lord, should we strike with the sword?" Jesus does not respond before one of them cuts the servant's ear off. Then Jesus says simply, "Stop! No more of that!"

I wonder why Jesus would permit his disciples to carry swords?

Jesus with muscles! Amen! We still got plently of terrotists' ears to cut off before, "Stop! No more of that!"

Please tell Jesus to stay on topic
on Apr 23, 2005
Luke 22: When the armed mob led by Judas arrives, Jesus's disciples ask, "Lord, should we strike with the sword?" Jesus does not respond before one of them cuts the servant's ear off. Then Jesus says simply, "Stop! No more of that!"
I wonder why Jesus would permit his disciples to carry swords?
Jesus with muscles! Amen! We still got plently of terrotists' ears to cut off before, "Stop! No more of that!"
Please tell Jesus to stay on topic

The disciples were always first to try and solve problems with their own ideas, and interesting Jesus is always the one who has to patch up the broken homes of the dead soldiers on both sides when the lines have been drawn. It is amazing how we extract what we need to make a point and fail to see, the nurses the doctors, the psychiatrist who have to heal the wounded. Interesting to not if you had taken the entire verse instead you would have seen Jesus in the role of the Doctor.......Luke 22:51 [you quoted] "Stop, No more of that!" - the scripture says : Suffer ye thus far, And he touched his ear, and healed him. I have always seen Jesus in the role of the comforter, the children that suffer losing Daddy's will have to depend upon a loving heavently Father, and the Scripture does say He is a Father to the fatherless, and that Christians are told to comfort widows and orphans in distress. Is that not amazing how we cast Jesus in the role as the warrior, and yet he is not. One day in another passage that he ended half way whilst speaking in the synagogue, he will fulfill what is beyond the coma, and bring swift judgment on the nations of the world, then he will bring peace upon the earth for a thousand years, no more war. I long for this day, it is my hope. I hope it can be yours. War is horrible, I saw a picture once so terrible of the war in Iraq of a man holding his child in his arms. Her legs were gone, her arms were gone. Come Lord Jesus.
on Apr 27, 2005
Why isn't the US PR system trying harder to show us that the Iraqis are grateful, happy and glad we are there?Seems it is counterproductive for the Gov not to make a point of showing us these important human victories that are being acheived over there?

The government doesn't have a PR arm. The information is being put out there through the customary government channels, but good news isn't news, no matter how hard the government tries to pursuade the media to pay attention. The government is also caught in a bit of a bind - any time they get a little too forceful in making a point, the media have a way of undermining them with selective media clips to make them look defensive, or with "analysis" that implies impure motives, papering over, whatever. Remember, it is an article of faith in the mainstream media that anything said by the government is bullshit by definition; only the media can divine the "real" truth. And for the media to focus their reporting on the overwhelming successes and remarkable achievements in Iraq would be a concession of defeat - they've invested too much in making the toppling of Saddam's regime all about what's wrong with America. What will happen is just what happened with Afghanistan - they'll just disappear and you'll hear nothing but befuddled silence once the transition is complete and a free, independent and democratic Iraq is fully established. If they grudgingly acknowledge the success at all, it will be said to have occurred in spite of America (and the "evil fools" running it) and the focus will remain on "what went wrong" on the way to victory.

The media are crackwhores and bad news is their primary addiction, a secondary addiction being character assassination by innuendo and baseless but "serious" charges. Other than that, the media are great.
