Published on May 25, 2005 By sushiK In Blogging

I would have to say hats off the TROLL OF THE MONTH AWARD would have to go to

Justice For Jews

For his / her unending cries of victomhood
For never failing to scream he's / she's a jew for every posting
And of course delivering his / her catch line phrase SICK! within each post

Any other nominees ?

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 25, 2005
mm thwaps rightwinger onna back oh head,wake up. heh heh heh

OUCH! Guess I deserved that.
on May 25, 2005
I still wanna know what sort of wine to serve with human beans.

Why a fine chianti wine of course!

Shipppppp Shippppp Shipppp!
on May 25, 2005
Hey, whipsy, GET A LIFE!
on May 25, 2005
Why a fine chianti wine of course!

Shipppppp Shippppp Shipppp!

Hello, you know who this is?
on May 25, 2005
Hey, whipsy, GET A LIFE!

Well, look who's here! This might be considered a shameless plug, but dabe, I have an article you just simply MUST read! It's called "It's a Commie plot I tells ya!" You might find it ineresting, if you can get through it!
on May 27, 2005

I still wanna know what sort of wine to serve with human beans.

Port......if you get my drift.

on May 27, 2005

Hey, whipsy, GET A LIFE!

Ah the voice of (in) sanity!  What?  no obscenities?

on May 27, 2005

I'll give you the same answer I gave the moaning one, I'll get a life when you get a brain, a sense of humor, and have yourself neutered, (preferably before you multiply.)

MM says she has already had a litter.  Does that mean she is a female dog and not a real person?

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